We have published numerous papers based on our research and development. Full texts of some of these publications may be available, upon request.

    [2017-01] Comparison of Methods for High Frequency Acoustic Radiation Analysis, Inter-Noise and Noise-Con Congress and Conference Proceedings, INCE, 1005-1192, 1047-1057, 2017.

    [2016-01] Application of Energy Flow Methods for Vibroacoustic Analysis, Proceedings of Noise-Con 2016, Providence, Rhode Island, 2016.

    [2015-01] Comparison of Methods for Solution of High Frequency Vibroacoustic Problems, Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2015, San Francisco, California, 2015.

    [2014-01] Application of Fourier Spectral Element Method for the Solution of Vibroacoustic Problems, Proceedings of NoiseCon 2014, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2014. Full Text Available

    [2014-02] Calibration of International Space Station (ISS) Node 1 Vibro-Acoustic Model-1, NASA report: NASA/CR–2014-218248, 2014. Full Text Available

    [2014-03] Calibration of International Space Station (ISS) Node 1 Vibro-Acoustic Model—2, NASA report: NASA/CR–2014-218249, 2014.

    [2012-01] Progressive Failure Analysis Method of a Pi-Joint with Uncertainties in Fracture properties, Proceedings of the 53rd AIAA/AME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material Conference, AIAA, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2012.

    [2012-02] Effect of stacking sequence on the compressive strength and failure mode in fiber reinforced multi-directional laminated composites, American Society for Composites 27th Technical Conference/ 15th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials/ ASTM-D30 Meeting, Arlington, Texas, October 2012.

    [2011-01] Reliability-based Progressive Failure Analysis for Advanced Composite Structures, 26th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites 26th Technical Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2011. Full Text Available

    [2011-02] Probability-based Analysis for Modeling Failure Mode Interaction and Progressive Damage in Laminated Composite Structures with an Initial Delamination, 18th International Conference on Composite Materials, Jesu Island, Korea, August 2011. Full Text Available

    [2011-03] Computational Modeling of Pi-Joint Failure Including Uncertainties in Mechanical and Geometric Properties, AIAA-2011-1722, Proceedings of AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Denver, Colorado, April 2011.

    [2011-04] Investigation of Failure Mode Interaction in Laminated Composites Subjected to Compressive Loading, AIAA-2011-1792, Proceedings of AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Denver, Colorado, April 2011.

    [2010-01] Reconstruction of Noise Sources in a Ducted Fan Using Generalized Acoustical Holography, Paper No: 2010-01-0416, 2010 SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan (also published in Optimization, Optical Mean and Nondestructive Testing Technique, SAE 2010), 2010. Full Text Available

    [2010-02] Denoising and Regularization in Generalized NAH for Turbomachinery Acoustic Noise Source Reconstruction, Noise Control Engineering Journal (Invited Contribution), Volume 58, 1, pp. 93-103, 2010.

    [2009-01] High Frequency Vibro-Acoustic Analysis Using Energy Finite Element Method, SAE Journal of Passenger Cars, Paper No: 2009-01-0771, 2009.

    [2009-02] Near-field Acoustical Holography for Noise Source Identification in Turbomachinery, Proc IEEE SAS conference, 2009. Full Text Available

    [2009-03] Model Order Reduction Using Basis Expansions for Nearfield Acoustic Holography, Paper No: 2009-01-2174, SAE Noise & Vibration Conference, St. Charles, Illinois, 2009. Full Text Available

    [2008-01] Application of Energy Finite Element Method for High Frequency Vibroacoustic Analysis, Paper No: NC08-211, NoiseCon2008, Dearborn, Michigan, 2008.


    [2008-02] Identification and Reduction of Turbomachinery Noise Using Integrated Nearfield Acoustical Holography and Active Noise Control Techniques, Proceedings of Noisecon-2008, Dearborn, Michigan, 2008.

    [2008-03] Denoising and Regularization in NAH for Turbomachinery Noise Source Reconstruction, Proceedings of Noisecon2008, Dearborn, Michigan, 2008.

    [2007-01] Vibroacoustic Analysis Using Hybrid Energy Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods, Paper No: 2007-01-2177, Proceedings of SAE Noise & Vibration Conference, St. Charles, Illinois, 2007. Full Text Available

    [2007-02] Sound Package Analysis Using Energy Finite Element Method, Paper No: 2007-01-2309, Proceedings of SAE N & V Conference, St. Charles, Illinois, 2007. Full Text Available

    [2006-01] Correlation between Microscopic Characteristics and Macroscopic Acoustic Performance of Acoustical Materials, Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 2006.

    [2005-01] Interior Noise Prediction Based on Energy Finite Element Method, SAE Noise & Vibration Conference, Traverse City, Michigan, Paper No: 2005-01-2332, 2005. Full Text Available

    [2005-02] Improving Acoustical Performance of Poroelastic Materials, SAE N & V Conference, Traverse City, Michigan, Paper No: 2005-01-2283, 2005. Full Text Available

    [2005-03] Aeroacoustic Noise Source Identification Using Acoustical Holography, SAE N & V Conference, Traverse City, Michigan, Paper No: 2005-01-2499, 2005. Full Text Available

    [2004-01] High Frequency Interior Noise Prediction Model Based on Energy Finite Element Analysis, MSC.Software Americas VPD Conference, VPD04-105, 2004.

    [2003-01] Modeling Noise Control Materials, SAE Noise and Vibration Conference, Paper No: 2003-01-1580, 2003. Full Text Available

    [2003-02] Sound Transmission Loss Analysis of an Automotive Dash by Finite Element Method, SAE Noise and Vibration Conference, Paper No: 2003-01-1613, 2003. Full Text Available

    [2003-03] Noise Source Identification in an Automotive Powerplant, SAE N & V Conference, Paper No: 2003-01-1695, 2003. Full Text Available

    [2003-04] A Method to Evaluate the Acoustic Performance of Lightweight Sound Packages for Automotive Interior, SAE N & V Conference, Paper No: 2003-01-1404, 2003. Full Text Available

    [2003-05] Identification of Noise Sources in an Automotive System, Society of Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference, Charlotte, North Caroline, Paper No: 8, 2003. Full Text Available

    [2003-06] Sound Power Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization Using BEM, SAE Journal of Passenger Cars, Paper No: 2003-01-1455, pp.1627-1632, 2003. Full Text Available

    [2003-07] Formulation of a Numerical Process for Acoustic Impedance Sensitivity Analysis Based on the Indirect Boundary Element Method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (Invited Contribution), Vol. 27, pp. 671-681, 2003. Full Text Available

    [2003-08] A Fast Algorithm for Evaluating BEM Based Nearfield Acoustic Holography Transfer Functions, SAE Journal of Passenger Cars, Paper No: 2003-01-1696, pp. 2167-2174, 2003. Full Text Available

    [2003-09] Development of General SEA Templates for Four-Door Passenger Cars, SAE Journal of Passenger Cars, Paper No: 2003-01-1558, pp. 1860-1870, 2003. Full Text Available

    [2002-01] Acoustic Impedance Sensitivity Analysis Based on Indirect Boundary Element Method, Inter Noise 2002, Dearborn, Michigan, 2002. Full Text Available

    [2002-02] Eigenfrequency Extraction Based on Boundary Element Method, Inter Noise 2002, Dearborn, Michigan, 2002. Full Text Available

    [2002-03] Computation of Transmission Loss and Absorption Coefficient of Multi-layer Sound Absorbers with Perforated Facing, Inter Noise 2002, Dearborn, Michigan, 2002. Full Text Available

    [2001-01] On the Evaluation of Radiated Sound Field of Engine Covers, SAE Journal of Passenger Cars, Paper No: 2000-01-1412, pp. 1500-1594, 2001.

    [2001-02] Acoustic Tuning of Lightweight Vehicle Interior Systems, SAE Journal of Passenger Cars, Paper No: 2001-01-1628, pp. 2142-2151, 2001.

    [2001-03] Noise Source Identification in a Cab Interior, SAE Journal of Passenger Cars, Paper No: 2001-01-1630, pp. 2157-2162, 2001. Full Text Available

    [2001-04] Effect of Seating Foam on the Acoustical Behavior of an Earth-moving Cab, SAE 2001-01-1560, 2001.

    [2001-05] An Analysis of Regularization Errors in Generalized Nearfield Acoustical Holography, SAE 2001-01-1616, 2001. Full Text Available

    [2001-06] Generalized Noise Source Reconstruction, Paper No: nc01-078, Noise-Con 2001, Portland, Maine, Oct. 29-31, 2001. Full Text Available

    [2001-07] Optimization of Sound Absorption and Transmission Loss of Elastic Porous Materials, Paper No: NC01-079, Noise-Con 2001, Portland, Maine, 2001.

    Full Text Available

    [2001-08] Identification of Incoherent Noise Sources, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference & Exposition, New York, 2001. Full Text Available

    [2001-09] Computation of Sound Transmission Loss and Absorption Coefficient of Multi-layer Systems, ASME, New York, 2001. Full Text Available

    [2000-01] An Integral Experimental/Numerical Noise Source Identification Technique, Proceedings of International Modal Analysis Conference XVIII: A Conference on Structural Dynamics, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 1763-1768, 2000.

    [2000-02] Creating virtual spatial audio via scientific computing and computer vision, ASA/NOISECON Conference Proceedings, Newport Beach, CA, 2000.

    [2000-03] Noise Source Identification in an Aircraft Using Nearfield Acoustical Holography, Proceedings of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Conference, AIAA-2000-2097, 2000.

    [2000-04] Identification of Incoherent Noise Sources in Complex Structures, Proceedings of the First International AutoSEA Users Conference, San Diego, CA, pp.177-185, 2000.

    [2000-05] The Use of Piece-Wise Continuous Polynomial Basis Function for the Reduction of Integral Equations in Thermoelastic Analysis, Computers and Structures, 77, pp.601-614, 2000.

    [2000-06] A Computational Acoustic Field Reconstruction Process Based on an Indirect Boundary Formulation, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108(5), pp. 2167-2178, 2000.

    [2000-07] Interior near-field acoustical holography in flight, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108 (4), pp. 1451-1463, 2000.

    [1999-01] An Efficient Indirect Boundary Element Method Solution for Multi-Frequency Acoustic Analysis, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 44, pp. 59-76, 1999. Full Text Available

    [1999-02] Numerical Implementation and Application of a Coupling Algorithm for Structural-Acoustic Models with Unequal Discretization and Partially Interfacing Surfaces, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 32, pp. 257-277, 1999. Full Text Available

    [1999-03] Development of an Equivalent Force Method and an Application in Simulating the Radiated Noise from an Operating Diesel Engine, Shock and Vibration, Vol. 6, Number 3, pp. 113-123, 1999.

    [1999-04] Keeping Truck Cabs Quiet, Machine Design, S18-S21, 1999.

    [1999-05] A Computational Acoustic Field Reconstruction Process based on an Indirect Variational Boundary Element Formulation, ASME IMECE, Nashville, TN, November pp. 43-50, 1999.

    [1999-06] Interior NAH in flight, Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Sound and Vibration, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 1999.

    [1998-01] A technique for Extracting Natural Frequencies of Acoustical Cavities, Proceedings of NOISE-CON 98, pp. 181-186, 1998.

    [1998-02] Transient Noise Analysis Using an Indirect Boundary Element Formulation, Proceedings of NOISE-CON 98, pp. 643-648, 1998.

    [1998-03] the Extraction of Acoustic Eigenfrequencies by the Boundary Element Method, Proceedings of ICES98, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 217-222, 1998.

    [1998-04] Formulation, Implementation and Validation of Multiple Connection and Free Edge Constraints in an Indirect Boundary Element Formulation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol 201(1), pp. 137-152, 1998. Full Text Available

    [1998-05] An Indirect Boundary Element Technique for Exterior Periodic Acoustic Analysis, SAE Transactions – Journal of Passenger Cars, pp. 615-620, 1998.

    [1998-06] An Indirect Boundary Element Formulation for Multi-Valued Impedance Simulation in Structural Acoustics, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 22, pp. 379-393, 1998. Full Text Available

    [1997-01] Analysis of Periodic Acoustic Problems with Double Sided Impedance Condition, Proceedings of NOISE-CON 97, pp. 145-150, 1997.

    [1997-02] Boundary Element Method for High Frequency Acoustic Analysis, Proceedings of the ASME Noise Control and Acoustics Division, NCA-Vol. 24, pp. 309-313, 1997.

    [1997-03] On the Boundary Element Formulation for Periodic Acoustic Analysis with Impedance Boundary Condition, Boundary Element Technology XII (Eds. J. I. Frankel, C. A. Brebbia and M. A. H. Aliabadi), Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, pp. 175-182, 1997.

    [1997-04] A Formulation of Unequal Impedance Boundary Conditions in Boundary Element Acoustics (Invited paper), Proceedings of the ASME Noise Control and Acoustics Division, NCA-Vol.24, pp. 337-342, 1997.

    [1996-01] Numerical Computation of Noise Transmitted Inside a Payload Fairing due to External Reverberant Field Excitation, Proceedings of NOISE-CON 96, pp. 775-778, 1996.

    [1996-02] Numerical Simulation of Multi-Frequency Acoustic Problems Using Indirect Boundary Element Method, Proceedings of NOISE-CON 96, pp. 745-750, 1996.

    [1996-03] Radiation Efficiency Calculations for Verification of Boundary Element Acoustic Code, Noise Control Engineering Journal, Vol 44 (5), pp. 225-223, 1996.

    [1994-01] Application of BEM to Some Dynamic Problems of Saturated Porous Media, Computer Methods in Geomechanics (Eds. Siriwardane and Zaman), Balkerma, Rotterdam, pp. 79-89, 1994.

    [1994-01] Acoustic Sensitivity Analysis Using Boundary Elements and Dynamic Response, MSC World User's Conference Proceedings, pp. 1-14, 1994.

    [1993-01] Boundary Element Formulation for Structural Acoustic Including Mean Flow Effects, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Computational Methods for Fluids/Structure Interaction, AMD-Vol 178, ASME, pp. 39-50, 1993.

    [1993-02] Development of BEM for Structural Acoustic analysis in the Presence of Mean Flow, Second U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Washington, D.C., 1993.

    [1993-03] Stress Intensity Factors for Thermally Loaded Cracks in Three Dimensional Solids, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 36, pp. 1909-1926, 1993.

    [1992-01] BEM Analysis of Free-Vibration Problems Using Polynomial Particular Integrals, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 29, No. 16, pp. 2023-2037, 1992.

    [1992-02] Eigenvalue Analysis by Boundary Element Method, Advanced Dynamic Analysis by Boundary Element Method (Eds. P. K. Banerjee, A. S. Kobayashi), Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, Essex, England, pp. 283-320, 1992.

    [1992-03] Boundary Element Analysis of Cracks in Thermally Stressed Planar Structures, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 29, No. 18, pp. 2301-2317, 1992.

    [1992-04] Polynomial Particular Solutions Based Boundary Element Analysis of Acoustic Eigenfrequency Problems, I nternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. pp. 1787-1802, 1992.

    [1991-01] The Analysis of Rotating Solids with Cracks by the Boundary Element Method, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp. 1155-1170, 1991.

    [1991-02] Computation of Stress Intensity Factors for Interfacial Cracks, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 89-103, 1991.